jeudi 28 août 2008

Petits mots avant d'aller se coucher

So, the life here is very difficult. Because we have problem with the pressure of the water. So the tank can't fill with water, we can't take a hot shower. And sometimes we are no electricity, for example this Tuesday, during maybe six hours. So I can't send you some news about Nairobi. And this two days I was in Nahururu, a very beautiful place, I came therewith Ken for a meeting during a retreat for youth people of the deanery, a youth who are in Taizé last summer during three months. I hope to send you some photos about the Rift valley and the waterfall of Nahururu.
See you later, because it's time for me to go sleeping.

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Comment ça "to go sleeping" ?
Mais NON NON NON, le "go to bed" de Taizé, c'est sacré, nom d'un chien !

Unknown a dit…

Bonne nuit, fais de beaux rêves!
Qd tu rêveras en anglais ça ira mieux!

Anonyme a dit…

Coucou mec ça gaze, ça y est c'est la rentrée! Nous revoilà à montauban après ce mois passé à monteils, en camargue, au pays Basque... Bref on a pris des vacances! Bisous de Nath et moi et... See you later aligator!!